PhD student Gabriel Demontigny receives 1st place in the Best Presentation competition during the Innovation Day of Engineering Physics event organized by the student OSA(Optica)-SPIE student chapter of Polytechnique. Congratulations, Gabriel!
Justine Rakotomalala (Dipl. Ing., ESPCI Paris) joins as a Master’s student. Her project on nonlinear quantum microscopy of brain tissues is hosted at the Departments of Engineering Physics and Biomedical Engineering, co-supervised with Prof. Frederic Lesage. Welcome Justine and best success in your ambitious project!
PhD student Gabriel Demontigny discussed his research in a talk titled “Laser Cooling of GaAs: Ultrafast Point of View” during the student-organized RQÉMP Summer School (Aug 18-20, 2021). Congratulations Gabriel for being awarded 3rd place in the Best Oral Presentation Competition, well done!
Congratulations to Patrick Cusson for being awarded the 2021 Lieutenant Governor’s Youth Medal and to Laurent Rivard for receiving the FRQNT scholarship to continue his Master’s project! We are proud of your accomplishments!
Émile Dessureault (BS in Physics, Université de Montréal) and Clarence-Olivier Gaulin (1st year undergraduate student in Engineering Physics, Polytechnique Montréal) join femtoQ for their summer internships! Welcome to the team and best wishes for your projects!
Congratulations to Paul Virally on all the accomplishments during his 8-month undergraduate co-op internship at femtoQ and best wishes for his continuing studies at Waterloo!
L’équipe femtoQ vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes et un très bon début 2021!
Étienne Doiron presented a poster at the Canadian Photonics Online Meetup (canPOM) reporting his new results on ultrabroad THz-mid-IR electro-optic sampling. The conference took place on December 4, 2020.
Congratulations to Patrick Cusson (PhD student) on receiving a 3rd prize recognition for your poster presentation Conditioned thermal states for subcycle sampling of quantum fields at the Fall 2020 INTRIQ meeting! Well done!
Patrick Cusson’s abstract titled “Conditioned thermal states as nonclassical gates in subcycle sampling of quantum fields” has been accepted as a poster presentation at a prestigious Ultrafast Phenomena conference, held this year in a virtual format in China. Congratulations Pat and we look forward to your first presentation at an international conference!