Student Émile Dessureault presents his MS project on dual-frequency comb spectroscopy during the 4th edition of the Journée de l’Innovation en Génie Physique, organized by the Optica and SPIE student chapter at Polytechnique
PhD student Gabriel Demontigny and Prof. Denis Seletskiy gave talks on “Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Plasmonic Devices in the Mid-Infrared” and “Ultrafast and quantum photonics”, respectively, during the student-organized RQÉMP Summer School (Aug 17-19, 2022). Congratulations Gabriel for being awarded 3rd place in the Best Oral Presentation Competition, well done!
PhD student Gabriel Demontigny presented his research on time-domain spectroscopy of the laser cooling cycle at the CONFérence ÉTudiante de l’INTRIQ (CONFÉTI) (Feb 22-24, 2022)
PhD student Gabriel Demontigny receives 1st place in the Best Presentation competition during the Innovation Day of Engineering Physics event organized by the student OSA(Optica)-SPIE student chapter of Polytechnique. Congratulations, Gabriel!
PhD student Gabriel Demontigny discussed his research in a talk titled “Laser Cooling of GaAs: Ultrafast Point of View” during the student-organized RQÉMP Summer School (Aug 18-20, 2021). Congratulations Gabriel for being awarded 3rd place in the Best Oral Presentation Competition, well done!