Denis Seletskiy presents “Ultrafast Quantum Photonics” at the 30th Anniversary of COPL, as part of Photonics North 2019. Thank you very much Réal Vallée for the excellent event! Students enjoyed hearing the analogy of the laser to a mechanical watch, both are oscillators albeit with drastically different Q-factors.
Justin Hogue, Evelyne Labelle, Nicolas Perron, Samuel Pouliot, Laurent Rivard and Vincent Quenneville-Guay join the group as summer students. Welcome to the team!
Étienne Doiron receives FRQNT Master’s student scholarship. Well done, Étienne, congratulations!
Denis Seletskiy received student-nominated Gala Teaching Award for his graduate course in Ultrafast Photonics. Thank you so much to all the students participating in the course!
Denis Seletskiy gives an invited talk at the 12th Annual International Workshop on Relativistic Quantum Information in Brisbane, Australia. Thank you very much Tim Ralph (University of Queensland) and Nick Menicucci (RMIT) for organizing this excellent event!
FRQNT and INTRIQ award Stéphane Virally (co-PI) and Denis Seletskiy (PI) in cooperation with Yves Bérubé-Lauzière (PI) at the Université de Sherbrooke a collaborative project in the amount of 39,000$ on “Generation and Control of Pulsed Quantum States of Light”. Merci beaucoup and look forward to the implementation of the exciting new ideas!
Denis Seletskiy presents femtoQ lab to Engineering Physics undergraduate students during the “Day of Physics” at Polytechnique.
Stéphane Virally presents a poster and Denis Seletskiy delivers a plenary talk on subcycle quantum electrodynamics at the PQE 2019 conference. Thank you for the kind invitation, Prof. Marlan Scully!
Denis Seletskiy gives an invited talk on quantum electrodynamics at the Excitons and Polaritonics International Conference at the NTU campus in Singapore. Thank you Prof. Xiong for an excellent event!
Dr. Jan Lippmann joins the group as a visiting Postdoctoral Fellow. Wilkommen Jan!